Simple Solutions To Troublesome Toddler Behaviors

Simple Solutions To Troublesome Toddler Behaviors

Although the statement might sound unusual, there is a place for aggressive behavior in our

society. New parents might even be shocked to find out we should consider it reasonable when

it comes from our toddlers. Remember, these fledgling adults are learning skills that will make

them part of society and the frustration associated with developing language skills alone can be

one of the reasons they are often guilty of aggressive or unacceptable acts.

Add a fierce need to be independent and impulse control skills that are far from mature and even

what would normally be considered completely unacceptable behaviors like biting and hitting can

be viewed in a new light by parents who understand these are just normal reactions to growing

pains. Of course, that doesn’t mean these kinds of behaviors should be overlooked by parents

who want to raise responsible people. It’s important children at any age understand prolonged

aggressive behavior is unacceptable and you can help them to express their feelings in positive

and decent ways with the following ideas.


• Try instilling the notion of consequences for the actions. Younger children don’t usually

learn the art of reason or empathy until they are at least four or five, so the best you

can hope for is having your toddler grasp the consequences for their bad behavior. That

means taking them out of a game where they’ve been acting out and letting them know

they can join the other children again when they don’t behave badly without explaining

too much about how they’ve made the other children feel.


• Consistency works wonders. Setting up a simple pattern the toddler understands is

much more effective than trying to explain situations to them. For example, telling them

to, ‘Wait for your turn on the swing,’ in a calm, reasonable tone is much better than

scolding them. If you do this often enough over a period of time, your child will make the



• Don’t react. Toddlers are notorious for saying things that can provoke an adult style

argument if you don’t show restraint. So, when your two or three year old yells at you,

it’s best to respond with a positive affirmation that teaches the child he or she won’t get

a reaction. Telling them you still love them no matter how many times they say they

hate you is the best way to keep your blood pressure down while teaching them about



Finally, remember toddlers often act out to get attention. That means when they’re holding their

breath or throwing a tantrum, these little folks are also paying attention to see what kind of

reaction they’re getting from you. Sometimes the best solution is to ignore the bad behavior and

reinforce the good. You’ll need to be consistent with this approach since you’re always being

watched carefully and if they think they can budge you, your toddler will act out again and again

until they’re sure there’s no way you’ll react. Praising them when they act appropriately offers a

new set of alternatives they can explore.


For more interesting articles like this, visit All My Children Daycare.

Author: Rob Starr