Infants / Toddlers
Our infant and toddler programs meet the individual needs of our students. During infant and toddler stages, children find out who they are, what love and being love is, and they start to understand their competence. This is also the stage of learning relationships with others and responding to them. They learn what it means to express their feelings and they are at the height of their emotional, social, physical, and cognitive development.
We know that routine is important for children in order to get them focused on learning and we address five routines to get the children to understand self-reliance and self confidence:
- Hellos and Good-byes
- Diapering and Toileting
- Eating and Mealtimes
- Sleeping and Naptime
- Getting Dressed
We also know that activities are crucial to learning as children grow and take greater interest in their environment. The following are eight activities that we address:
- Playing with Toys
- Dabbling in Art
- Imitating and Pretending
- Enjoying Stories and Books
- Tasting and Preparing Food
- Exploring Sand and Water
- Having Fun with Music and Movement
- Going Outdoors
As infants grow into toddlers, we help them explore their environment more by providing toys and materials appropriate to their age that help build and refine their motor skills. We also have outdoor play and building blocks areas that further improve children’s motor abilities.