Teaching Kids Organizational Skills

Teaching kids to be organized, whether it’s at home or at day care or school is an important lesson they’ll benefit from throughout their lives. Organization helps with work, relationships, and even play. Here are some ways you can show your kids how to be organized while making it a fun lesson.

Keeping Toys in Order

If you’ve ever walked into your kid’s room and every toy was out of its box and dolls and figurines were strewn all over the floor, you know how much organization would help tremendously. We all want our kids to have fun, but there comes a time when they need to clean up and put their toys away. One way to make the clean-up fun is to make it part of play. You can get a few bins and decorate them according to the type of toy that goes inside. Dolls can go into a bin decorated like a little house. Toy cars can get stowed away in a bin decorated with wheels and bumper stickers taped on. You can have fun decorating and the kids will look forward to putting their toys in their rightful resting places. The lesson? They won’t misplace small parts or accidentally trip over something left on the floor. As the kids get older, they’ll have more valuable items to care for and their organizational skills will keep them in check.

Maintaining a Neat Closet and Drawers

It seems like kids never want to put their clothing in the hamper or back in their closet or drawers. Sure, it’s easier to drop clothing wherever you take them off, but kids can easily realize that it takes the same amount of time to put it away where it belongs. Just like they have their own cubby at their child care center, Pre-K, or school, they have their own spots at home where they need to keep their belongings too. Teach them that when their clothing is neat and organized, they will be able to find exactly what they want to wear before school and clothing won’t be wrinkled or misplaced. Keeping clothes organized is a positive habit children will need more and more as they get older and have a larger wardrobe.

Managing School Work and Extracurricular Activities

Start at a young age and keep a work and activities calendar with your kids. They can help you fill in all the details such as when homework is due, when they have tests, when they have sports practice, dance school, playdates, etc. When kids can see all their activities and due dates laid out, they will feel more organized, in control, and less stressed. As kids get older, they can start to keep track of their own activities and school work. This type of organization will help kids excel in school and eventually, as an adult in the workplace. They’ll thank you for teaching them these proper organizational skills from the start.

How do you get your kids to stay organized? Please read more information like this by visiting All My Children.

By: Melissa A. Kay

Teaching Kids About Good Hygiene

Good hygiene is integral to looking and feeling good as well as an important part of taking care of our health and well-being. Sometimes, kids don’t want to take the necessary steps to keeping clean and consider it a chore, but there are ways to teach your kids that having good hygiene isn’t a nuisance at all. Especially for kids in day care or school settings, keeping germ- and dirt-free is essential. Read on for some tips for your little one’s hygiene.


Clean teeth make for a shining smile when you drop your kid off at day care, but also helps prevent tartar, cavities and gum disease. Lots of kids try to avoid brushing, but you must be diligent. Don’t be afraid to warn them of the pain and illness they can get if they don’t brush every day, at least twice per day. That doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! Buy a kid-friendly toothbrush with their favorite cartoon character on it or in their favorite color. Some newer brushes even light up and play songs to let your kid know how long to brush. There are also tasty kid-approved toothpaste flavors like bubblegum, vanilla, and fruity varieties. Show your kids that you need to brush too, and do it together if that gets the motivation going. An A+ report from the dentist will prove the brushing has paid off!

Clean Clothing

We all want our kids to look dapper and put together when we drop them off at school or their child care center. But kids will be kids and often get dirty, messy, and wrinkled. Teach your kids that it is A-OK to play and have fun, but keeping neat and clean is necessary as well. If your child is a sloppy eater, consider packing a bib or tucking a napkin into the neck of his shirt before eating snacks or lunch at school. After playing outdoors, make sure your child shows you where his clothing got soiled so you can remove the stains before they set in. By keeping kids aware of dirt and germs, they will grow up learning to care for their clothing and other belongings so they don’t get ruined. They will also understand that dirt can breed bacteria and can cause illness. Plus, a tidy look makes any person feel self-confident.

Washing Hands

Kids touch all sorts of things throughout the day, whether it’s from the playground, the other kids in their class, or from everyday surfaces. Keeping kids’ hands clean helps prevent the spread of germs, dirt, and other bacteria that can get them sick. Teach your kids to always wash their hands before eating. We don’t want them to ingest something that can cause illness. After using the bathroom, teach your child to wash carefully and completely. Give them a number to count to or a brief song to sing and to wash their hands for the entire duration. It’s OK to play and touch things, but once they are done, hand washing is key to keeping germ-free and feeling fresh.

How have you taught your kids about maintaining good hygiene? For more info like this, please visit All My Children.

By: Melissa A. Kay



How to Sneak Veggies Into Your Kids’ Meals

We all know how important vegetables are for us and our kids. All their vitamins, nutrients, and other health benefits are a vital part of a healthy and balanced diet. That said, some kids, despite what we teach them, refuse to eat their veggies. But we can’t give up. If there’s no way your kid will even consider a Brussel’s sprout or celery stalk, there’s only one way to go… Sneak those veggies into food your kids will love! It takes a little planning, but there are lots of recipes where the goodness of veggies will go unnoticed to kids, but you’ll feel satisfied knowing you’ve managed to get ‘em into their little bellies. Read on for a few ideas to sneak vegetables into some tasty recipes.


Kids love muffins. They are a great choice for a quick breakfast or a sweet snack. Little will the kiddos know that you’ve added vegetables to their sweet pastries! It’s simple. If your child loves banana nut muffins, you can add finely grated carrots and zucchini right into the batter and follow the normal recipe as is. When the veggies bake into the mix, their taste and even their colors go undetected amongst the nutty and spiced goodness of the muffin! This works well in any chocolate cake based muffins too. You can even grate cooked (not raw) beets into the batter! The veggies actually add extra moistness along with their vitamins and minerals. What a fun way to sneak veggies into something sweet! You can pack a muffin or two for your child to bring to school.

Pasta Sauce

Yes, most pasta sauces are tomato based, but once some kids see any lump or bump within the sauce that even resembles a vegetable, they’d rather slather melted butter on their noodles instead. The trick to getting them to eat a veggie-based tomato sauce is to blend the veggies right into the sauce. It’s really simple to do and your kids will find that the sauce tastes the same as before (or even better). Simply dice cooked zucchini, squash, mushrooms, carrots or any one or combo of these, and place in a blender, blending until completely smooth. Add the mixture to your usual pasta sauce, warm, and serve. The added boost of veggies will pump up the nutritional value of the sauce and your kids will get the added vitamins they need.

Fruit Smoothies

You can slip veggies into sweet fruit smoothies without a trace of the taste of the veggies. Make your child a low-fat yogurt, strawberry and banana smoothie with a few teaspoons of chocolate sauce if you’d like. Add chopped spinach or another leafy green into the blender and whip it all together until frothy and smooth. The added vitamins and iron will give that already healthy smoothie even more body benefits. You can also try adding 100% vegetable juice to a smoothie, such as carrot juice which has a sweet flavor to any smoothie. It tastes especially good with apple-based drinks. Enjoy!

How do you get your kids to eat or drink their vegetables? For more info like this, please visit All My Children.

By: Melissa A. Kay

How to Say “No” to Your Child

It can be difficult to say “no” to kids. We want them to be happy and have a controversy-free relationship, but every once in a while (or sometimes more often) we need to use that dreaded two-letter word. The kids may not like it, but it’s important to teach them that they won’t always get everything they want. If you follow these tips, saying “No” won’t be as hard as it may have been in the past and your kids will eventually learn to respect your authority.

You Are in Charge

No matter their age, your child must understand that you, the parent, is in charge. And sometimes, that means you must say “No” to something he may want to do, see, eat, play with, etc. So, if you are always saying “Yes” to everything your child wants, even though your better judgment is screaming, “No”, your child will start to get the impression that perhaps they are in charge. Yes, it is good for your child to express his desires and interests, but you must set his expectations that until you give it the thumbs up, it’s a no-go. Once he’s in this routine and gets it that sometimes he won’t be able to do what he wants, there won’t be such a battle every time you utter the dreaded, “No”.

Give a Simple Explanation

Kids, especially as they get older, sometimes don’t think “No” is a good enough answer. If you’ve ever heard, “But why?” over and over again, you know what I mean. You are the parent, and what you say should go, but a simple explanation will help your child understand your decision-making process and help him make better choices the next time too. There is no need to go into detail, but give your child a legitimate reason as to why he didn’t get that “Yes” he was seeking. Maybe he wants to play at a friend’s house. If you say, “No”, he won’t understand why – he’s been allowed to go there in the past after all. But if you pair your “No” with: “You cannot go today because we need to eat dinner early so we can attend your sister’s recital,” he will appreciate your choice.

It’s For Their Own Good

Let your child know that you are saying, “No” for his own good, not because you want to take his fun away. For instance, if you are saying “No” to eating another slice of cake, it’s because you don’t want him to get a belly ache. If you say “No” to watching a horror film, it’s because you know he doesn’t like gory blood scenes, and the movie contains many. If you say, “No” to another new pair of sneakers, it’s because his feet are growing and he won’t be able to enjoy them for long. When kids realize we have their best interests at heart, they will look up to our wisdom.

They Will Learn to Say “No” to Others

When kids understand that saying “No” is an OK response, it empowers them. They can make their way out of uncomfortable situations. They can protect themselves, their friends and siblings from bullying or peer pressure. They won’t take on more than they can handle. So, just say “Yes” to saying “No”!

Any tips to say “No” to your kids? We’d love to hear them. For more articles like this one, please visit All My Children blogs.

By: Melissa A. Kay

Teaching Kids Honesty

We always teach our kids that “honesty is the best policy”. But saying it and having them understand what that means are two different things. We can teach kids honesty by our own example and by using some tactics to talk out situations where your child’s honesty will be taught and tested. Read on for a few basic ways we can instill honest values in our children.

Telling the Truth

Kids may not want to always tell the truth or the full story in a tricky situation. Perhaps they fear they will be punished or put in “time-out” if they are honest. Or, maybe their big brother or sister threatened them to cover for a lie. Sometimes, kids make up stories or scenarios based on their growing imagination. Whatever the case may be, we must teach and constantly remind our kids that being honest and telling what really happened is the right choice. Usually, the truth will come out eventually and cause even more issues. Yes, your child may have to suffer the consequences of his actions, but that will also teach him to do the right thing the next time. It is worse to do something wrong and then lie about it than to do something wrong and confess what happened. Remind your kids that they can always tell you the truth and they should not fear your reaction.

Taking Something That Is Not Theirs

Stealing is another way of being dishonest. Whether your child took something from a store, a friend’s house, or school, or hid his sister’s toy, taking something that isn’t his is not honest. Teach your child that in order for something to be his belonging, it must be paid for or given to him. If he wants what his friend has, he must ask to share. Sometimes, young kids make mistakes or are still learning the ropes. If your child swipes something from a store, bring him back and have him apologize to the clerk. He will learn why stealing is wrong and how it affects others. Kids will learn to understand the value of personal belongings when they realize that everyone cannot have anything they want at any time. This is what makes things valuable to us.

Saying How You Feel

While we encourage our kids to tell the truth, sometimes saying everything on our mind is not the best way to go. This can lead to kids being inadvertently hurtful to others. If your child doesn’t like his sister’s dress, he should not tell her it is ugly. Teach your children to find something positive to say about others or not say anything at all. Of course, kids should be honest about how they feel about others and situations they are in, but encourage them to talk to you or a close family member before they blurt out something they can’t take back. In time, your kids will learn how to deal with others directly in an effective and positive manner.

What do you do to teach your children the value of honesty? For more articles like this, please visit All My Children Daycare.

By: Melissa A. Kay

5 Things to Do With Apples

They say, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, so why not make eating apples fun? Apples are nutritious and delicious in their natural state, but there a bunch of easy ways to take your apple eating up a notch. These ideas are great to create with the kids and soon they’ll be asking for apple treats all the time. Hey, it’s true… the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

PB & A

Kids love the tried and true lunchtime staple of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but when you swap out the jelly for thinly sliced apples, the sandwich becomes more sophisticated and packs a ton of tasty texture. If your child has a peanut allergy, use another type of nut butter or even cream or ricotta cheese. To create the sandwich, start with 2 slices of bread of your choice. I like to use wholesome whole wheat or raisin bread for extra yumminess. Spread a thin layer of your nut butter or cheese on one slice and layer thin slices of apples right on top. For extra zest, sprinkle a light coating of cinnamon on top of the apples and top with the other slice of bread. It’s so easy to make and tastes amazing. Toasted bread makes the sandwich warm and crusty if you have time for toasting. This treat makes for a healthy breakfast too.

Apple Fruit Salad

We’ve all had a fruit salad of some sort, though many don’t make apples the star of the dish. With the crunch of apples and the varieties available from the sticky sweet to the tangy tart, an apple-based fruit salad is a healthful and tasty snack option for kids. When shopping for apples, teach your kids about the varieties available, from their colors to their tastes to their textures. Together, you can select 3 or 4 of your favorites to use in the salad. Dice the apples into ¾ inch sized cubes and toss them in a bowl with a few squeezes of lemon juice to prevent the apples from browning. Add ½ cup of raisins which go well with apples. You can use grapes too. Add a few other fruits if you have some available at home, or make it an all-apple salad. Toss the fruit mixture with ¼ cup of apple juice and a dash of brown sugar and serve it up. The kids won’t be asking for cookies when they can satisfy their sweet tooth with this awesome apple salad.

Apple Oats

A warm bowl of oatmeal is a nutritious and satisfying breakfast choice. By adding some fruit such as apples, you’ll boost the flavor factor and health benefits even more. Remind your kids that the filling fiber in apples along with the wholesome oats will keep their bellies full until lunchtime. Plus, the apples will add a juicy burst in every bite. Simply prepare the oats as you normally would, but before heating, add ¼ cup of diced apples. A dash of cinnamon will pair well with the oats, as would nutmeg or allspice. The kids will look forward to a new twist on their oatmeal. You can add apples to cold cereal too. They taste great with honey-flavored cereals or granola.

Microwave Apple Crumble

There’s no need to spend hours baking in order to create a delicious dessert. You can make individual servings of a take on the apple crumble right in your microwave! This is an easy treat to make with the kids and will teach them how to be creative with ingredients you already have in the pantry. Simply take a microwave-safe mug and layer ¼ inch slices of apples with a dash of brown sugar, cinnamon, granola, honey or maple syrup and some walnuts. Repeat the layering until you fill the mug about ¾ of the way to the top. Heat until warmed throughout and serve. For an added treat, plop a scoop of low-fat vanilla frozen yogurt, ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream on top right before serving. Yum!

Apple Dippers

You can get all the yummy goodness of a candy or caramel apple without all the work or mess. Make dipped apple slices that are just as tasty and such fun to make with the kids. Cut your favorite type of apples into ¾ inch slices and squeeze lemon juice over them to prevent browning. Don’t worry, you won’t taste the lemon. Set out separate bowls of melted chocolate, caramel sauce and yogurt along with separate bowls of chopped nuts, sprinkles, shredded coconut, mini chocolate chips and granola. Let the kids make their own concoctions by first coating ½ of the apple slice into the dip of choice, then rolling into the topping. Mix and match flavors and find out which ones the kids enjoy the most. Let your kids help prepare all the ingredients and write down their favorite combinations. This is a great after-school snack idea for playdates.

Do you have a unique apple recipe? We’d love to taste it! For more articles like this, please visit All My Children.

By: Melissa A. Kay


Teaching Kids About Sharing

Even from a very early age, teaching your children the importance of sharing is a valuable lifelong lesson. Sharing really is caring and shows friends, family and even strangers that you appreciate them and want to give what you are able to. Here are a few examples of how to show your kids to share and why it’s a wonderful lesson.


Kids can become possessive over their toys and want everything to be “mine”. Explain to your kids that by sharing, playing can be even more fun. Sharing with siblings or friends can be a great way for your child to learn more about their toys and different ways to use them. In return, their siblings and friends may share their toys with your kids, so everyone gets double (or more) the toys to play with! Encourage swapping toys your kids have grown tired of with toys their friends are no longer interested in. Another positive way to share is to donate a toy each holiday season or birthday to a shelter or toy drive for kids in need.


Hand-me-downs are one way to share clothing, but you can make your child part of the process too. Instead of buying every trendy piece of clothing, consider taking your child with another parent with a child of the same size to go shopping together. Agree upon sharing what you buy, so you only need to purchase half what you would have otherwise. Encourage tweens and teens to raid one another’s closets and try each other’s clothing. Be sure it’s cleaned before you return. Again, the most important way to share is with those less fortunate. Take your child to a clothing drive with some items she no longer wants or is willing to give up. Seeing the gratitude on other’s faces will enforce how powerful sharing can be.


Sharing food is sharing love. By sharing at mealtime, kids will learn patience and the importance of eating mindfully. Kids can share at restaurants by splitting a main dish (which is usually too big for kids anyhow). Sharing is also a good way to introduce new foods into your child’s usual diet. Kids can share snacks at lunchtime and snack time. It is fun for kids to trade ½ their sandwich so they can taste new foods. Sharing canned food with food pantries is a great lesson to teach kids about those in need and what they can do to make a difference in other’s lives.

How do you teach your child to share? Share with us. Now go ahead and share this article with someone! Read more info like this at All My Children.


By: Melissa A. Kay

Smarter Fast Food Choices

Although it may not always be our ideal meal choice, sometimes fast food is the way to go on a hectic day or for a special treat. Most fast food menu options are notoriously not too good for us, nutritionally speaking, but there are some options that are pretty healthful and can be part of a balanced diet. The next time you pull through the drive-thru, suggest one of the following items to your kids. They’ll be thrilled to get fast food and you’ll be happy to know they are eating something you can feel good about giving them.

Apple Slices

Lots of fast food places are offering apple slices in place of greasy French fries in their kids’ meal packs. Apples are a great source of vitamins and fiber and most kids like the fun shapes the fast food restaurants cut their apples into. They often come with a small container of dipping sauce that tastes great to kids. Teach your kids that it is OK to eat fries now and then, but apples are great for their bodies and are equally tasty. The apples make for a great dessert option as well. As they say… “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, and now you can find ‘em at your local fast food place!

Grilled Chicken

Many kids love chicken nuggets and fried chicken sandwiches, but all that extra oil used in frying is of little benefit to the body. The great taste of grilled chicken paired with its punch of protein is just as satisfying as fried chicken and is so much better for us. Nearly every fast food joint offers grilled chicken sandwich options and some even have grilled chicken strips and salads. Once you get your child used to the texture and flavor options of grilled chicken, they won’t even miss the fried variety. Explain that chicken, in general, is a nutritious food choice, but it all depends upon how it’s prepared. Go light on the sauce to make it even healthier.

Yogurt Parfaits

Sure, thick milkshakes, ice cream sundaes and mini pies are scrumptious, but all those calories and fat are no way to top off a fast food meal. Many fast food establishments have a healthy yogurt parfait option on their menu, chock full of low-fat yogurt, diced fruit and a bit of granola. This sweet treat is not only tasty, but it is a smart snack choice at the fast food restaurant. Teach your kids that treats are for special occasions and they can satisfy their sweet tooth with something that is actually good for them, like the parfait instead. Some fast food places also offer low-fat frozen yogurt as an alternative to milkshakes and ice cream as well. Bonus? The parfaits won’t melt!
*If you are keeping kosher, go for the parfait when you aren’t headed out for a meat-based meal.


Salad sounds like a healthy option, but not all fast food restaurant salads are all that good for you. Many places pile on creamy, high-fat dressings, fried chicken, loads of cheese, fried tortilla strips and other high-fat and calorie options that don’t make for a healthy salad. When choosing a salad for yourself or the kids, ask for a low-fat dressing or dressing on the side so you can use just a little. Select grilled chicken vs. fried. Keep the crouton count to just a few. Make sure the salad is full of greens and other colorful veggies and not just a big container of iceberg lettuce. This way, you can show your child what a healthy salad looks like and that all salads aren’t created equal.

Now, go ahead and enjoy your next fast food meal without the guilt!

What are your favorite healthier fast food meals? For more info like this, please visit All My Children blogs.


By: Melissa A. Kay


3 Ways to Teach Kids to Be Thankful

While we always instill the message of giving thanks around the holidays and Thanksgiving, it’s important to teach our kids to be thankful for what they have all the time. We all have those times when we focus on what we want or don’t have rather than being grateful for the blessings we already do. Kids will benefit from realizing this message at an early age. It helps them grow into compassionate adults and understand that we all have so very much to be thankful for.


Extended Family

Perhaps your child is always asking for a baby brother or sister or wonders why his friend has so many cousins but he only has two. Here’s a chance to teach your kids to be thankful for the family they do have in their life. Having tons of relatives is just as great as having only a few. The love shared is all the same in the end. Bigger can sometimes be better, but not necessarily. You can explain to your kids that with a small family, they get more time devoted to them. Closer bonds can be formed. If you have it the other way around, and your child feels he’s lost in the mix of dozens of cousins and many siblings, remind him that he’ll never be alone and will always have a family member to turn to in good times and in bad. The grass is green on both sides – it all depends on how you look at it. Any family is a family to be thankful for!



Friends are always a blessing. Whether your child is wildly popular and has dozens of pals or is more of a loner and only has one or two close companions, friendships are relationships to be thankful for. You can take this chance to explain to your child that a true friend doesn’t care what you look like, how much you have or where you come from. When kids learn that friendship can be found all around them, love is everywhere. Remind them that their family members are their friends too. Neighbors can be friends. Even pets can be wonderful companions. With all the chances your child will have to meet new people and form new friendships over the years, it’s truly something to look forward to and be thankful for. Remind your child to be a good friend too, and to treat his peers with respect and gratitude.


The next time your child complains about what you’ve served them for lunch or dinner (which he surely will) remind him that any food is nutrition to be thankful for. Many families around the world struggle every day to put food on the table. This isn’t a time to make your child feel badly, but a chance to teach him to be grateful for the food your family has. It’s also an opportunity to find ways to help those less fortunate, whether it’s by participating in a food drive or volunteering at a soup kitchen. Another way to teach your child to appreciate food is to grow vegetables together and cook meals as a family. It will help your child appreciate where food comes from and the effort it takes to make a meal. Preparing meals together is a great bonding experience too.


How do you teach your kids to be thankful? We’d love to hear about it! For more articles like this, please visit All My Children Daycare.

By: Melissa A. Kay

Teaching Young Kids to Start Helping With Chores

It’s important to teach kids, even at a very young age that helping out around the house is a necessary contribution. That said, chores don’t have to be a bore or something to dread. You can show your children that housework and working as a family team can be enjoyable and rewarding. Here are 3 ways to teach kids to participate in chores that will give them invaluable tools they’ll use for a lifetime.

Toys Away

Sure, kids love taking out their toys and leaving them wherever they wind up, but putting them away is another story. Even toddlers can learn to put away toys after they are done playing with them. Make tidying up fun by creating a toy chest that can become part of playtime. You can turn a small laundry basket into a “home” or “bed” for stuffed animals by placing a tiny pillow and blanket inside for the stuffed animals to snuggle with. You can even leave one larger stuffed animal inside the “home” and when it’s time to put the toys away, you can tell your child that the animals need to go back with their “mommy” (the larger stuffed toy). This way, your child will find the clean up to be part of playtime! This lesson will follow your child as they get older and need to keep their room mess-free.

Help with the Table and Dishes

Depending on your child’s age, there is always something to do when it comes time to set or clean the table or do the dishes. Little children can help set the table by handing out napkins and plates (if you are using paper plates). Older kids can set the entire table and help with loading the dishwasher or drying dishes. You can turn setting the table into a creative activity for the kids by allowing them to design seating cards to match your dining set. The kids will look forward to setting a pretty table. You can teach the kids teamwork by creating a dish “assembly line” where each person has a specific task, where the first child washes the items, one kid dries the plates, the next kid puts it into the cabinet, etc. Learning how to set a table and properly care for dishware are useful chores that the kids will need to use later in life. If they realize it can be fun, they’ll look forward to doing it on their own as they get older. One day, they’ll be inviting you to dinner!

Helping with Pets

Lots of kids beg their parents for a new cat or dog (or another family pet), but there’s more to owning a pet than the love your kids will readily supply. It takes a lot of discipline and care to have a furry, feathered or finned addition to the family. It’s a great opportunity to teach your kids how to care for a pet by assuring they help in the well-being, feeding, walking, grooming, etc. the pet will surely need. Depending upon your child’s age, there is definitely something they can do to help in the care of the pet. Small kids can help with scooping food into the pet’s bowl and making sure the water is fresh. Older kids can walk the pet. Kids can take turns cleaning up after the pet, grooming duties, etc. Caring for a pet is not only beneficial for the pet, but it will teach your child to have compassion and tenderness, and that pets are not playthings – they are living beings that need to be treated as well as they’d treat humans.

What chores do your kids do? How do you make it fun? Let us know what your household is like. For more information like this, please visit All My Children blogs.


By: Melissa A. Kay